Son rakamlar başkentteki hastanelerde grip olan kişi sayısının geçen yılın herhangi bir dönemine göre daha fazla olduğunu gösterirken, NHS Londra, insanları grip aşısı olmaya teşvik etti.
Aralık ayı boyunca, Londra genelinde grip nedeniyle hastane yatağına yatırılan kişi sayısı istikrarlı bir şekilde arttı. Noel ve Yeni Yıl tatilinin ardından insanların okula ve işe dönmeye başlamasıyla birlikte grip başvurularının artmaya devam etmesi bekleniyor.
NHS Londra başhemşiresi Karen Bonner’ın mesajı, grip aşısı olmak için çok geç olmadığı yönünde..
Londoners urged to get the flu vaccine as cases rise across the capital
The NHS in London is encouraging people to get vaccinated against flu, with latest figures showing more people with flu in the capital’s hospitals than at any point last year.
Throughout December, the number of people admitted to a hospital bed with flu across London steadily increased. Flu admissions are expected to continue to rise as people start to mix at school and work following the Christmas and New Year break.
The message from NHS London chief nurse Karen Bonner is that it’s not too late to get the flu jab
She said: “We are expecting the number of people with flu to rise as temperatures remain below freezing over the next couple of days, so we are encouraging as many people as possible to get vaccinated. The health service faces increased pressure in the winter months, – getting vaccinated not only gives you vital protection against flu, but also helps the NHS to maintain capacity to be available for those who need it most”.
Flu vaccine take-up in London is lower than the national average with around 1.9 million people taking up the vaccine. There are currently around 600 people in hospital with flu in London, which is roughly 20% more than last year’s peak. Getting the flu vaccine is the most effective way for someone to reduce their risk of becoming seriously ill with flu.
Medical director for the NHS in London Dr Chris Streather said: “These latest figures show flu is still on the rise in London, but it is not too late for people to get vaccinated by visiting a pharmacy offering the flu jab or contacting their GP surgery to book an appointment.
“We are expecting to see very low temperatures in the next few days, which can be particularly dangerous for those who are vulnerable or have respiratory conditions, so we are also urging people to make sure they are stocked up on any regular medication”
Ahead of winter the NHS put in place measures to manage extra demand including upgraded 24 hour coordination centres, support for frequent users of A&E services, strengthening same day emergency care and providing more care in the community.
People are encouraged to continue to use NHS 111 and 111 online for advice and support for health conditions, and call 999 or attend A&E in life-threatening emergencies.
While the national vaccination booking system for covid-19 has now closed, those eligible can still get protected by visiting a COVID-19 walk-in vaccination site or finding a pharmacy.